Code of Ethics

Psychic Life Sessions (“Readings”) are to empower the client. I am not a fortune teller nor do I do predictive readings (i.e. lotto numbers, will be a millionaire). You may want to contact a different type of reader if that is what you are looking for. 

The messages I share are not mine. They come through my guides and my clients' guides. They do come through me and therefore my experiences, life and understanding, bias known and unknown are tied and if ever I feel that I am projecting I will state that. 

As the client you have free will and can interpret and take aspects of the messages as you choose. I strongly encourage clients to take notes as there is a lot of information shared. This allows the client time to review and reflect. The information that I share is your information not mine. It is for you to do with it what you may. It may not always be what you want to hear - I am simply delivering the message. It is my intention to be thoughtful, kind, and compassionate when sharing messages with clients. 

I do not do readings for clients more than once every 3 to 6 months. There is a great deal of information shared and clients need time to process the information and act upon the messages and guidance provided to them. Readings are meant to be empowerment, not a crutch that keeps you stuck working with me. Typically clients will receive assignments based on whatever comes up from the reading. This is not guaranteed as it’s case by case depending on what comes up in the client reading. 

At the time of booking clients will receive helpful tips to prepare for the call. This includes coming with a couple of questions, an open heart, and a willingness to have fun. It shares how the session will take place and to be in a quiet place with a notebook and pen for notes.

All sessions (readings, energy healing, coaching) are confidential and will not be shared in whole or in part in any way unless there is imminent danger or criminal elements brought out in the session by the client. 

I respect and honor all my clients, regardless of age, gender, race, spiritual beliefs, sexual preference, or economic status.

I will not do a reading to see what someone other than the client is doing or feeling, nor will I do a reading for anyone under 18 years old.

I do not do readings for anyone that makes me feel unsafe or uncomfortable. 

Sessions with me are non-transferable.

I do not DM clients for Readings on social media - I will not say “spirit said I needed to give you a reading or grand risings…”  I do not read palms. I will not ask you for your date of birth. 

I believe that coaching is a partnership (defined as an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between the Coach and the Client in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize personal and professional potential. 

I was certified under iPEC coaching and follow the ICF Code of Ethics for coaching. 

As the client you take responsibility for your life, choices, actions, and that you put in the time between sessions. You are solely responsible for creating your own results. 

Refund Policy

Coaching: There are absolutely no refunds on coaching and consulting once the services are rendered. I cannot guarantee results in a coaching or consulting relationship, because results depend on your openness to being coached and your willingness to do the work. If you are not completely satisfied with your investment and are on a payment plan, you may request we stop collecting on future payments. If you made a payment in full, and are unsatisfied, you may request a refund for any coaching or consulting sessions NOT rendered.

Readings/Energy Healing: Due to the nature of this work, refunds are not available. Payment must be made before the reading or energy healing session. Once services have been provided, the fee is non-refundable. Fees are not dependent upon results and no specific outcome is to be promised. If you are late to the Live Reading or Live Energy Healing session, we will still finish at the designated time. I wait 15 minutes before you are considered a no-show. The session will then be considered complete and there will be no refund. If you are coming late, please email me to let me know, if possible.

If you cancel an appointment less than 48 hours notice (as logged via our booking system), the fee is deemed fully earned by M&J Industries, LLC  having held the time available for you and is non-refundable. If you cancel an appointment more than 48 hours notice then the fee is refunded via our payment processor. In good faith we will review cancellations on a case by case basis and work with the client to find a time that works for both parties. You can use the link given for the original booking.

Digital Course: Due to the digital nature of this product, and the immediacy of access, there are no refunds. Payment must be made before the reading or energy healing session.

Contact Us: We recommend that you contact us if you have any questions prior to purchasing. By visiting this page on our website: We're happy to assist you.


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